Clean up unused Docker image layers

If you build a lot of your own images, you’re going to accumulate dozens (or more) image layers that will be eating up your disk space. If your layers are small, this is no big deal, but if you’re building on VM images, this can quickly turn into Gb.

Here’s a gist to add to your ~/.bash_profile or equivalent Bourne-compatible shell. Run as needed.

Introduction to Policy Governance®

In September 2015 I trained several charter school boards and directors on Carver Policy Governance. I finally finished editing the training and have posted it on YouTube. Here is the final result:

Clip Rotation in Final Cut Pro

Here is one way to rotate a video clip using Final Cut Pro:

The gist of it:

  • Create a new library
  • Import the movie
  • Note the current dimensions with the Inspector pane (Info tab): e.g., 640x480
  • Right-click clip in the browser and choose “New Compound Clip”
  • Video Properties -> Custom -> Custom -> 480 x 640 (note the swapped width/height)
  • Double click the new compound clip in the browser (or right-click and choose “Open in timeline”); this will open it in a timeline
  • Select “Transform” in the preview window
  • Rotate the clip: grab a top, bottom, or side handle; hold shift down; resize to fit into the new dimensions
  • File -> Send to Compressor
  • In Compressor, select the next highest size that will fit the video’s widest dimension
  • Manually set the Video properties to exactly what they should be (e.g., 640x480)
Git Roots and Branches

Git is a minimal and elegantly architected DVCS. However, its terrible user interface obscures its simple data model, making reasoning with git surprising and frustrating. Once you have learned git’s data model and a few commands to help you see what’s going on, most of the surprises and frustration go away. This workshop aims to give you the mental model you need to work with git and provide a foundation for a deeper understanding of the git toolkit.

OS X El Capitan and the case of the missing disk space

For several weeks I’ve had a 69 GB chunk of disk missing. No scanner could detect where it had gone (DaisyDisk, WhatSize, Finder, “About This Mac → Storage”, Disk Utility (also in Recovery mode), command-line utilities df and du): they all indicated that there was only 18G left and none of them could tell me where the missing 69G was.

I have an encrypted boot volume and thought that perhaps something had been corrupted, but I wasn’t sure. I haven’t ever seen anything like this before. I remembered fsck from my happy FreeBSD days, so I thought I would single-user boot and run an fsck_hfs to see what might come up, but first I needed to figure out which disk was the right one to scan; Disk Utility helped with that: select the primary volume (mine is the default “Macintosh HD”) and notice the “Device” in the bottom left corner: disk1

Visit to the Yucatán 2016

This isn’t a travel guide, it’s just my notes from 8 days we spent on the Yucatán peninsula in Mexico in January 2016. The first section is a day-by-day account of what we did, the second section has practical, topical notes such as working with Mexican currency, dealing with police, getting around, etc.

Thursday, 7 January 2016

We arrived in Cancún in the late afternoon, but the lines through security were long and we chose the slow line. Tip: see how many security officers handle each line and choose the line with the most officers.

OpenSSL, OS X "El Capitan" and Brew

Apple removed the OpenSSL header files in “El Capitan”, making it hard to build OpenSSL-dependent libraries without modifying your system a little bit.

Fortunately we have Homebrew; if you don’t have it yet, go ahead and install it now. I’ll wait here.

Ready? Now, repeat after me:

$ brew doctor (now fix anything that it tells you to fix)
$ brew update
$ brew upgrade

We’re just warming up with all that; it’s good to stay current with things like OpenSSL, which tends to go stale fast. Now let’s install it:

Don't Repeat Yourself Unless Coupling

Dan North gave a presentation a few years ago about some of the decisions a software architect or a developer might make.

At 46:50 he begins to talk about the DRY principle (“Don’t Repeat Yourself”). He makes it clear that he’s a fan of the Pragmatic Programmer, but this section of his talk is a warning about following one principle (DRY) without giving consideration to other competing principles. In this case, the opposite of DRY code is decoupled code, another desirable goal.

Premature Generalization

I’m trying to understand premature generalization. First, why is premature generalization a problem? Dave Smith:

One result of premature commitment to a generalization is that you’re supporting code that isn’t used. I’ve joined projects and found that 1/3rd of the code base wasn’t reachable, all because one or more programmers had tried to write class libraries that would solve all possible future needs. It is really, really tempting to give in to the misplaced belief that “… as long as I’m here, I might as well add the other methods that people might need at some point.”

Dockerizing Perl Applications

I presented at our Salt Lake Perl Mongers about using Docker to isolate dependencies in your Perl applications.

Perl on Docker
