Hiking Big Baldy 2022
Hiking Utah County's Big Baldy (2022 edition)

Time for hiking Big Baldy again! This time I went with Ashton Wiersdorf. The hike started a little cool and overcast. After about a mile and a half, already part way up the ridge, it started raining steadily and didn’t really stop until we were most of the way down.

Hike statistics: 2,990 feet elevation gain. 5.79 miles round trip. 4 hours 8 minutes hike time.

A small rattlesnake. This fellow would have fit in my open hand. I did not try this.
Thistle. I think it’s pretty.
Hard to see, but we found a flock of turkeys, maybe 4 or 5 of them.
Looking east toward Timpanogos and the high point of Big Baldy.
Looking south from the peak.
The trail in lower Dry Canyon.
Route map to Big Baldy

Last modified on 2022-07-15