(github) keeps your secrets safe in a git repository. It decrypts on checkout and encrypts at commit using standard git
hooks. Once configured, it is completely transparent.
I had a situation where the secrets were already in the repo and I needed to encrypt them (if you’re in this situation, you should also change your secrets because git log -p
To encrypt files (foo.conf
, bar.conf
) already in the repo:
Here’s a nice trick from perlfunc
’s map
To force an anon hash constructor use "+{":
@hashes = map +{ lc($_) => 1 }, @array # EXPR, so needs
# comma at end
to get a list of anonymous hashes each with only one entry apiece.
Say you have a hash:
my %hash = (foo => 'fooey',
bar => 'barey',
baz => 'bazey',
blech => 'blechey');
and you want to rename some of the hash keys, create another hash that holds the new names of the keys:
## old-name => new-name
my %new = (foo => 'foooo',
bar => 'baaar');
Then this is a fast way to rename the keys. Measured on 2.4Ghz i5 MacBook Pro.
I don’t use emacs’ artist mode often enough to remember all of the keystrokes and finding the reference sometimes is effort than it’s worth.
To enable:
M-x artist-mode
to disable:
Here is the list of commands from the artist.el
C-cC-aC-r artist-toggle-rubber-banding
C-cC-al artist-select-op-line
C-cC-aL artist-select-op-straight-line
C-cC-ar artist-select-op-rectangle
C-cC-aR artist-select-op-square
C-cC-as artist-select-op-square
C-cC-ap artist-select-op-poly-line
C-cC-aP artist-select-op-straight-poly-line
C-cC-ae artist-select-op-ellipse
C-cC-ac artist-select-op-circle
C-cC-at artist-select-op-text-see-thru
C-cC-aT artist-select-op-text-overwrite
C-cC-aS artist-select-op-spray-can
C-cC-az artist-select-op-spray-set-size
C-cC-aC-d artist-select-op-erase-char
C-cC-aE artist-select-op-erase-rectangle
C-cC-av artist-select-op-vaporize-line
C-cC-aV artist-select-op-vaporize-lines
C-cC-aC-k artist-select-op-cut-rectangle
C-cC-aM-w artist-select-op-copy-rectangle
C-cC-aC-y artist-select-op-paste
C-cC-af artist-select-op-flood-fill
To selectively profile during only a portion of the code, invoke like this:
$ NYTPROF=start=no perl -d:NYTProf t/load.t -v
Then inside t/load.t
add the following directives which tell Devel::NYTProf
to start and stop profiling:
... ## profile this section
Add use Devel::NYTProf;
in either the test file or in the module.
Git has a nice feature called bisect
that’s immensely useful for finding out where and when something broke.
For this example, we’ll use small integers for commit ids because they’re easier to reason about and orderly. In reality, they’ll be long SHA hashes.
Let’s say you have a commit history like this:
commit 12
Author: Joe
commit 11
Author: Scott
commit 10
Author: Scott
commit 9
Author: Scott
commit 8
Author: Miles
commit 7
Author: Joe
commit 6
Author: Dave
commit 5
Author: Bob
commit 4
Author: Joe
commit 3
Author: Dave
Pretend you’re Dave (your last commit was commit 6) and you do a git pull
and an ‘install-dev’ and see that the site’s busted, CSS all over the place, whatever. Git bisect to the rescue. First, tell git you’re ready to have it help you find the problem:
I found a fast way to add a new column to a table.
Create the new table like the old table (
), but with the new column you want in it. Make the new table with a different name (foo_new
): -
Add the records from the old table into the new table:
INSERT INTO foo_new (col1, col2, col3) SELECT col1, col2, col3 FROM foo
If you have a lot of records, you can disable index updates during insert:
I made these notes as a result of my experimentation with a Raspberry Pi. I kept messing up the software on the SD card and needed to start over, but it took a long time to go through all of the RPi setup steps. By copying the partitions, I was able to restore relatively quickly.
Get the info of each partition you want to copy on your SD card using diskutil
This little program uses currying to create a nested function reference that prints out a table with all possible permutations of the @states
array in as many columns as you like.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
## Scott Wiersdorf
## Created: Sat Aug 18 14:29:03 MDT 2012
## permutation/truth table generator
my $inputs = shift @ARGV || 3; ## table columns
my @states = ('T', 'F', '-'); ## possible states
my $func = sub { say join "\t" => @_ };
for (1..$inputs) {
$func = loop_maker($func);
sub loop_maker {
my $inner = shift;
return sub {
for my $state ( @states ) {
$inner->(@_, $state);
The output with an argument of ‘2’ looks like:
Some miscellaneous notes I may split out into separate posts later… don’t bookmark this one.
View open network connections on OS X
sudo lsof -lnP +M -i4
The options:
-l don't convert uids to login
-n dont' convert network numbers to to hostnames
-P don't convert port numbers to service names
+M enable portmapping
-i4 look for IPv4 connections
See also nettop
. 3rd party apps include Little Snitch and RubberNet.