Hiking Acadia's Jordan Pond and South Bubble
A gentle introduction to Acadia National Park, Maine

I took a trip to Maine last week to cool off and enjoy some ice cream (New England understands the value of quality ice cream far better than we do here in the West. Also, Rum Raisin is the best flavor and I will fight anyone who says otherwise).

While in Maine we made a visit to Acadia National Park (my first time). I wish we had a week to spend here, but we had only budgeted a day for it. We decided to walk the Jordan Pond loop, and hike the South Bubble.

The Jordan Pond trail is well-maintained (and well-worn) as you might expect at a national park.

South Bubble visible from lower east side of Jordan Pond trail

Signs make getting around easy. Also, on the Bubble trail, rocks have a small blue mark on them indicating the route.

Departing the Jordan Pond loop trail to hike the South Bubble

About a quarter mile of the South Bubble trail includes 50% grades, but the footing is good and I can only recall one spot where my weight wasn’t completely on my feet. While steep, it’s not a long climb and we saw children doing well on the hike.

Large granite stairs
Me and Preston at the top

I imagine mycologists love the area:

We didn’t have time to do the North Bubble, but this is the meeting of trails where we would have continued:

Between the South and North bubbles

We were fortunate to have clouds to keep things cool the entire morning.

View of North (left) and South (right) bubbles from the west side of Jordan Pond trail

A view of the bubbles from the south end of the pond:

Crudely drawn route as seen from the south end of Jordan Pond

My GPS track:

GPS track

Distance 3.66 miles in 1 hour 40 minutes, total elevation gain was 505 feet.

Last modified on 2021-07-21