Git Roots and Branches

Git is a minimal and elegantly architected DVCS. However, its terrible user interface obscures its simple data model, making reasoning with git surprising and frustrating. Once you have learned git’s data model and a few commands to help you see what’s going on, most of the surprises and frustration go away. This workshop aims to give you the mental model you need to work with git and provide a foundation for a deeper understanding of the git toolkit.

Here is the github repo containing the complete Bourne shell source file and and here are the workshop slides I use when presenting.

I’ve given this workshop several times:

  • 10 July 2015—Bluehost Development (Orem, Utah)
  • 20 February 2016—BYU Linux Club (Provo, Utah)
  • 4 March 2016—Bluehost System Operations (Provo, Utah)
  • 14 July 2016—OpenWest Conference (short version)
  • 2 September 2016—BYU Office of Information Technology (Provo, Utah)

My own 2 September 2016 recording (1:01:44):

BYU Linux Club workshop recording (59:33):

The workshop lasts about 90 minutes; contact me (scott at perlcode daught org) if you’re interested.

Last modified on 2016-02-26