Tags / Git
Git Roots and Branches

Git is a minimal and elegantly architected DVCS. However, its terrible user interface obscures its simple data model, making reasoning with git surprising and frustrating. Once you have learned git’s data model and a few commands to help you see what’s going on, most of the surprises and frustration go away. This workshop aims to give you the mental model you need to work with git and provide a foundation for a deeper understanding of the git toolkit.

Use git-crypt to Store Secrets in Git

git-crypt (github) keeps your secrets safe in a git repository. It decrypts on checkout and encrypts at commit using standard git hooks. Once configured, it is completely transparent.

I had a situation where the secrets were already in the repo and I needed to encrypt them (if you’re in this situation, you should also change your secrets because git log -p).

To encrypt files (foo.conf, bar.conf) already in the repo:

git bisect

Git has a nice feature called bisect that’s immensely useful for finding out where and when something broke.

For this example, we’ll use small integers for commit ids because they’re easier to reason about and orderly. In reality, they’ll be long SHA hashes.

Let’s say you have a commit history like this:

commit 12
Author: Joe

commit 11
Author: Scott

commit 10
Author: Scott

commit 9
Author: Scott

commit 8
Author: Miles

commit 7
Author: Joe

commit 6
Author: Dave

commit 5
Author: Bob

commit 4
Author: Joe

commit 3
Author: Dave

Pretend you’re Dave (your last commit was commit 6) and you do a git pull and an ‘install-dev’ and see that the site’s busted, CSS all over the place, whatever. Git bisect to the rescue. First, tell git you’re ready to have it help you find the problem:

git notes

Some notes about git. As with all my technical posts, some or all of this may be out of date. Consider it, then, courage to believe that there may be a solution to your problem in terms you can understand.

I have a local repository I want to make into a remote repository

Here’s our local repository:

local $ git init .
local $ git add .
local $ git commit . -m "- initial commit"

Nice. Now make an empty repo on the remote server:
