DBD::mysql Integer Type Coercion

DBD::mysql knows that certain MySQL column types are integers with this call:

$nums = $sth->{'mysql_is_num'} || [];

You can iterate over $nums and see which columns are numeric-type columns. However, when you pull the data out, it’s converted to a string. So, what used to be as simple as this:

my $accounts = $sth->fetchall_arrayref({});

now requires this kind of trickery:

my @accounts = ();
my $is_num   = $sth->{'mysql_is_num'} || [];
while (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref) {
    push @accounts, {
        map {
            $Acct_Fields[$_] =>   ## key
              ($is_num->[$_]      ## check to see if it's int
                ? 0 + $row->[$_]  ## coerce to integer/numeric
                : $row->[$_])     ## leave it alone
        } (0 .. $#Acct_Fields)    ## number of keys

This seems to work as a primary test to see if a scalar ($val) is an number-ish thing:

my $spv_flags = B::svref_2object(\$val)->FLAGS & (B::SVp_IOK | B::SVp_NOK);

I borrowed that from Mojo::JSON’s serializer (it also has a 0+ and 1* test for good measure).

Last modified on 2014-09-10